This is a reference for Ufuk Sabri Atalay

TCLOM - Training Course on Democratic Leadership and Organizational Management

The training activity took place
in Strasbourg/France
organised by Council of Europe Directorate of Youth and Sport
6-14 April 2010

Aims & objectives

The main of the training course is to strengthen the capacity and sustainability of youth organisations by developing the competences of their democratic leadership and management structures.


- To develop a common understanding of the concepts related to democratic leadership, such as: democracy, participation and leadership, civil society, human rights and citizenship
- To raise participants’ awareness and provide space to reflect upon the value of youth organisations/structures - their role and impact as democratic leaders within society
- To develop the participants’ ability to relate the work of their organisations with youth policy
- To develop participants’ understanding and knowledge of various forms of youth participation
- To introduce the main European institutions and organisations engaging in youth policy development and implementation
- To define and further develop leadership and civic competences as well as relevant management skills (conflict management, advocacy, motivation, shared leadership, decision making, empowerment, strategic planning, resource management)
- To support participants in analyzing and further developing their internal organisational processes and mechanisms
- To raise awareness of the importance of intercultural learning within youth organisations and develop participants’ competences to work in intercultural environments
- To promote co-operation between youth organisations in Europe

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

30 young people from 21 member states of Council Europe participated to the course. The team composed of 4 trainers from Romania, Sweden (Poland), Turkey, Ukraine and also an educational advisor from DYS.

Training methods used & main activities

The entire seminar is designed as a mutual learning situation where participants are asked to actively contribute to their own learning. Theoretical inputs and a diversity of non-formal education working methods will be used: active participation, group and team work, learning by doing, peer education, experiental learning, etc. The entire seminar’s methodology also aims to offer a space for reflection and a critical approach. The programme will be defined so as to meet the overall aims and objectives of the seminar, as well as to suit the needs of the participants and the situation.

Outcomes of the activity

The course supported participants to develop their skills on leadership within youth organisations and organisational management. Participants improved their competences for being more active in the youth field in various areas such as advocacy, management, awareness raising, campaigning, youth policy development etc.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was one of the member of the international trainers team responsible for the design, implementation and the evaluation of the training course.

I worked on this training for 8 days as a full time trainer.

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