TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Antonio Benaches Bodí
AIM: To understand and be ready to include virtual mobilities in the projects
-To recognize and analyze the specific learning outcomes (Youthpass) of virtual mobilities
-To discover the possibilities of virtual mobilities for KA2 and KA3 projects
-To improve the digital competences and learning to learn competences of the youthworkers
Participants: France, Austria, Latvia, Greece, Romania, Spain, Hungary, Germany
Target group: Youthworkers, trainers, youth leaders, EVS mentors/tutors/coordinators.
Debates, simulations, study visit, small groups work, roleplays, games/energyzers, exchange of good practise, presentations.
Publication: The specific competences that Virtual Mobilities can develop in Erasmus+ Youth projects.
(to be uploaded). Best practices in virtual mobilities.
Networking: New ideas and partnerships for the future.
I was one of the 2 trainers.