TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Michal Braun
Share methods and skills of including young people in community service and volunteering (especially young marginalized people), through taking part in workshops based on active participation and sharing good practices;
Improve your volunteer management skills, through case studies, supervision and expert input of experienced volunteer managers;
Get you more prepared to transfer the common fundamental values of our society to young people, through discussions, brainstorming and simulations exercises.
Help you acquire methods and skills on noticing and preventing radicalization of young people, through expert inputs, discussion and practical challenges;
Ensure foster quality improvements in youth work, in particular through enhanced cooperation between organisations in the youth field and/or other stakeholders;
Increase the international dimension of youth work organizations partner, through networking session and preparing future projects.
Build capacity of participating organisations on the topic of the training course, through building professional skills of their employees and volunteers.
Disseminate results of the project, through undertaking planned activities after the training course.
Bulgaria, Croatia,Germany, Greece, Italy, Macedonia (FYRM), Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, United Kingdom.
Debate, discussion
Group work
Oxford debate
Presentation and expert input
Group work
Case studies
Open Space
Ice-breakers and energizers
Specific competences concerning the topics of the training course:
Knowledge and understanding of the key principles of volunteering and community service.
Undertaking action against violent radicalisation of young people especially those who are marginalized as well as young migrants.
The ability to use engage volunteer as social action and use it as a youth work tool.
The knowledge, attitudes and skills for enhancing volunteering with young people in non-formal settings.
Practical expertise and knowledge on how to use volunteering as an instrument to increase active participation and provoke sustainable social changes.
Expertise in the field of volunteer management, techniques and tools for achieving educational outcomes while working with youth.
The knowledge, attitudes and skills for work with marginalized young people including young migrants.
Understanding of the different work-style types and their needs.
Competences on how to use volunteering for empowerment, how to advocate for civic volunteering and how to become multipliers of the acquired knowledge and values within their local communities.
Development of responsibilities related to project development, international teamwork on future joint projects as well as into their work with youth on daily basis.
Understanding of current migrant crisis.
Personal and social skills:
Awareness of the European common fundamental values of our society such as solidarity, tolerance and respect to other points of view and different opinions.
Leadership skills.
Self-esteem, self-confidence and ability to take responsibility over actions.
The ability to work in an international group, which will enhance their social and civic competences, their cultural awareness and expression.
Better use of English language and its practice in international environment.
Methods and skills on noticing and preventing radicalization of young people.
Co - trainer