TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Antonio Benaches BodÃ
The training course "Youth participation on global issues" aimed to empower the participants skills and competencies about global issues in general, and to raise awarness about how active youth participation can have an impact on making things better for the globe. The training course aimed also to simplify the Youth in Action and EuroMed programmes as much as possible for the participants to encourage them write and implement projects in the future.
There were 4 trainers, from Morocco, Spain, Sweden and Turkey.
The participants were from the same countries, a total of 20 youth workers.
The methods used in this training course were all based on non formal education.
Examples: Simulation exercise, roleplay, boardgame...
The training course was successful in terms of outcomes. The participants level of youth work was quite different but this helped a lot for a better homogeneity of the group. We worked on building a good teambuilding from the beginning so that participants will feel comfortable to express their feelings and ideas about the topic. Their feedback at the end of the TC was very encouraging and promised to go futher in global issues field and youth work in general.
I was a full time trainer during the 5 working days of the training course.