TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Areg Tadevosyan
Specific objectives of the TC:
• To organize an in-depth reflection on the notion of Transfer, to address its various aspects, the skills that are needed for it, the challenges and barriers in doing it, as well as the cultural/intercultural aspects of it.
• To provide participants of TC with necessary knowledge on the various aspects of ICL, communication theory and appropriate methodological base to prepare participants of their youth events with appropriate skills of transferring knowledge to their organizations and local communities.
• To share good practice that participants of TC may have regarding interesting methods and approaches in transferring the knowledge and skills got during the international youth events (more specifically those iт YiA Programme)
• To systematize the tools and schemes that will be developed during the TC and to provide their presentation in Web and if possible in form of a booklet (maybe also to put part of it in Toolbox).
• To address the issue of Recognition of the knowledge and skills got in non-formal education and its current developments (Portfolio, Youthpass etc.).
• To develop possible further project ideas which will provide the follow-up of the TC (specifically in the framework of YiA Programme of EC).
Team was composed of trainers from Russia, Armenia and Finland
There were participants from 10 EU and EECA countries
The full range of the non-formal educational methods was used during the TC. The TC started with a block on team–building and icebreaking where the atmosphere and group spirit was formed and the continuation of the TC consists of balanced set of theoretical inputs on various aspects of communication, information transfer, ICL and exercises (simulations, consensus and confrontation exercises, group works etc.). Some exercises where a work with local community was realized were also foreseen as a tool to provide integration with local community as well as a sphere to test and analyze the issue of Transfer in the field work. The TC was finalized by blocks on YiA, some follow-up and future partnership planning and evaluation.
The core of this training project was the idea that the impact of the project and its results are not only for the participants but they must be transferred to the local communities and to the other members of the organizations and structures partnering in this international projects. That is why in the programme of TC there was a field exercise “Deep in community” that let participants try out the skills and competences build during TC right on the spot and participate in their debriefing.
The participants learned how to:
- recognise the parts of their daily activities that are related to sills and competences valorisation;
- recognise the behaviours and actions associated with non formal and informal learning setting ;
- learn more about the content of Information communication in the non formal way ;
- learn about values of ICL (e.g.respect for diversity, solidarity , participation and democracy);
- identify their youth led group experiences and how they understand valorisation ;
- understand better the possibilities of addressing youngsters in a peer group as a space for developing non formal learning processes/prospectives;
- get to know many and diverse examples of the forms and expressions of Knowledge transfer among peers
- develop new youth led youth projects