TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Bosko Nelkoski
The TC will introduce them to the contexts, forms and tools of social media. Main aim of this course is to equip learners with the knowledge, critical thinking ability, and practical skills they need to improve the effectiveness of their work and meet the personal, professional, and civic challenges posed by social media.
We had participants coming from 11 countries: Georgia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Latvia, Turkey, Armenia, Ukraine and Moldova.
We used non formal learning methods as working in mix groups, round table discussions, role plays. case studies and etc.
On this training the participants discover the possibilities for using social media and look at examples of how to best construct and spread their messages to get results. With help of practical group and individual exercises blogging, micro-blogging, document, image and video sharing applications, social networks and social bookmarking have been explored. Participants got familiar with a range of online communication tools, who can be used in order to achieve organizational goals and promote their causes.
We have created:
1) Facebook group of the project:
2) Facebook page of the project
3) Blog of the project:
4) Twitter account :
5) V Kontakte, web site similar like Facebook but on Russian:
6) Prezi prezentation:
7) You tube :
full time trainer