TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Antonio Benaches BodÃ
The training activity aimed to empower the participants to be ACTIVE CITIZENS with skills and knowledge on intercultural learning, interreligious dialogue, conflict management, youth participation, active citizenship, human rights.
The training course gathered youth workers and youth leaders from 5 different countries: Egypt, Morocco, Spain, Sweden and Turkey. Those youth workers were concerned by the topic of the TC and were aware that they can improve and enhance their knowledge about it through international youth meetings.
The team of trainers as well was composed of 4 trainers from Morocco, Spain (myself), Sweden and Turkey.
The methods that were used during the training were 100% non formal methods. It was clear and agreed in advance between the trainers that to treat such a topic we have to use non formal education. That's why we prepared and used many tools such as role-play, simulation exercise, small group discussions, outdoor activities...
The training activity reached its aims and goals and succeeds to change the participants' way of thinking about issues concerning their lives and societies. Most of the participants were pretty enthusiastic about changing the reality starting from themselves to their local community and finally to the globe by thinking global and acting local.
I was in charge of the general coordination of the activity and also cotrainer.