TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Vojislav Vujic
The Main aim of 8 days TC “How to live with mainstreamed gender?” is to provide 18 youth workers an opportunity to improve the skills that are neccessary for life in 21st century –understanding of gender differences and knowledge of EU and UN guidelines in Gender Mainstreaming.
During the Training Course the participants will have an opportunity to discuss important issues around Europe, to try find new ways of implementation of GM or new ways of promotion of gender equality in their neighborhood. Also they will have chance to work on future projects in their own yards and under YiA Programme or take part in creative exercises.
The project involved 18 participants coming from 6 countries – Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, Poland, Turkey.
Trainers was: Małgorzata Czyżewska, Ania Czyzewska and Vojislav Vujic
group work, simulations, role play, discusions, input...
18 youth workers had opportunity to improve the skills that are neccessary for life in 21st century –understanding of gender differences and knowledge of EU and UN guidelines in Gender Mainstreaming.
Full time trainer responsible for running some sessions.