This is a reference for Ahmad Khallaf


The training activity took place
in Zlatnícka dolina, Skalica, SLOVAKIA
organised by UV organization
15th – 22nd June 2012

Aims & objectives

To provide youth, as the builders of our future, with the tools to achieve a life that is deeply satisfying, fulfilling, and appealing because it is socially, environmentally and economically responsible and with the motivation to spread their findings in their communities.

Objectives are tp:
• raise awareness on the impact of our individual and collective actions in the state of the planet,
• give participants the key to a more sustainable and happy life style,
• facilitate the learning and experience-sharing on sustainability issues between youth leaders
from different countries,
• foster further transnational cooperation of youth in the field of sustainable development, explore the different European realities and find common solutions to the global problems and
• create multipliers who will serve as role models in their communities.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

25 young leaders from 13 various countries (Armenia, Egypt, Kosovo, Morocco, Serbia,
Russian Federation, Czech Republic, Estonia, Italy, Lithuania, Romania, Slovak Republic and Spain)

Training methods used & main activities

Ice Breakers, Energizers and Name Games
Peace Wheel & Competitive Game (Night Race)
Short Movies
Field Visits

Outcomes of the activity

- Participants' awareness by Healthy food, Environmental hazards and Energy sources
- Hand-made products by the participants
- Ecological footprint calculation for all of them
- SLIM results magazine to the EU

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

- Co-Organizer in the project partnerships and preparation
- Responsible for the Non-Formal education for the whole course
- Conduction the workshop of Cultivation of rooftops
- Explaining the SLIM results magazine to the participants and Managing the final outcome together with the organizer

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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