TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Esther Vallado
The project “Green Entrepreneurship” focused on young people around Europe that face the problem of unemployment and are willing to develop their own green business.
The project aimed to facilitate the access of young people to the labor market by training their skills, inspiring them to create their own green start-ups and promoting entrepreneurship.
The objectives of the project were:
- To train young people’s basic skills on how to create green start-ups;
- To empower and inspire young people through successful examples and stories;
- To give young entrepreneurs support when starting their own green business;
- To encourage young people to think “out of the box” (innovative thinking);
- To spread environmentally friendly practices among young entrepreneurs.
Target group: Youth workers, coordinators or active volunteers working closely with the partner organisation, who know well the local web of volunteers of the organisation and the local young people in the community/region, have experience in organising activities or events at local or international level, ideally experienced in activities linked to social/green entrepreneurship and interested in environmental topics and sustainability.
Countries: Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Portugal, Romania, Poland and Spain.
Strictly non-formal: group-work, experiential learning, study-visits, experience/knowledge sharing, Open Space Technology, Hero's Journey...
Participants acquired tools, ideas, skills, competences and motivation to start or develop their green business further.
Full-time trainer, host and co-organiser.