TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Hatem Shatnawi
The training course aims to provide participants with skills that are fundamental to their work with the theme support of refugees. A focus is here the dissemination of social, communicative, methodological and substantive skills and the acquisition of knowledge within these areas.
Another focus are on the sensitization of the participants with regard to encounter work for people with and without experience with refugees within the two countries, and on learning opportunities of civic commitment for refugees. Specifically, this aimed at securing of the basic needs, creation of contact moments (especially in the work with young people), as well as support of joint projects and activities. This will be made possible by the development and testing of own formats that are based on the respective individual skills and previous experiences of the participants. All participants is offered the chance of application of differentiated and diverse methods and enough time for talking and exchanging with the others to share their own experience in this topic, to reflect themselve and their new knowledge and methods to use them in their (professional) daily live. So the course will be a room for exercises and will provide impetus for future action in the field of refugee work. Through intensive professional exchange between the team, the participants and the lecturers a feedback of qualifications will take place. That means, it can be assumed that the management team will come through the imparting of specialistic and methodological knowledge and exercises into a dialogue or a trialogue with the participants, creating new knowledge formats, so it can be arise a mutual and joint training on all sides. Priority should be the opportunity to develop new social networks and integrate them into the work of the participants.
The 10-day bilateral training program "supporting refugees" scheduled in Magdeburg (Saxony-Anhalt) and Berlin from 19 to 28.06. 2016 aims to give the participating women and men from Germany and Jordan skills, which are fundamental for their work with the theme support and with displaced people. A focus here is the dissemination of social, communicative, methodological and especially content skills and knowledge acquisition within these ranges as well as the bilateral exchange on approaches, methods and exchange about change of perspective between actors.
The two partner organizations ijgd e.V. (Germany) and "Leaders of Life for Sustainable Development" (Jordan) was developed a course concept, which represents an interactive training for young actors and explicitly responds to current needs of the two partners. The course should to provide impetus for future action in the fields of activity of working with refugees in Germany and Jordan. The main objective of the course is the transfer performance of the newly acquired knowledge in the (professional) life of the participants.
young people in the work of supporting refugees in national and international context, from Jordan and Germany and syria.
small group work, debates, role plays, simulation games, example of good practice projects, energizers, project development.
Partnerships, network, and new project ideas.
Participants of the training gave very positive feedback already at the end of TC, then again in the evaluation questionnaires.
*I was responsible of a 3 workshops.
* Daily debrief and introduction.
* Reflecting groups with participants.