TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Darya Arystava
The project aimed at promoting social integration and inclusion by retraining youth Caze facing social exclusion and who can capitalize on their basic skills in EU countries and develop activities that lead to improved practical skills through an innovative educational format.
Through the activity tools to provide integrative support for cross-cutting, entrepreneurial and trade skills through an electronic platform to sell their handmade ethnic and traditional products were developed.
Group consisted of the participants from Italy, Turkey, Romania, Spain, France, Russian Federation.
Learning throug doing metodology, peer to peer, active involvment, debates, brainstorming, reflection.
Ice Breakers, Team buildings, and Get to Know Each Other Activities (Name puzzle, I am uniqe, energizers etc.)
Group activities (I-create, world cafe etc.)
Training Format, gained skills to entry into the EU labor market by providing educational alternatives and digital
tools to help them capitalize on finished products, networking.
Facilitating, preparation of the materials, creating the training and activities, implementing the activities, controlling group dynamic, introduction, reflection, dissemination.