This is a reference for Silvia Crocitta

Spring it out: youth democracy and employability building in the Mediterranean zone

The training activity took place
in Reggio Calabria, Italy
organised by Associazione di Volontariato New Deal
21/11/2012 - 28/11/2012

Aims & objectives

The training course “SPRING IT OUT: youth democracy and employability building in the Mediterranean zone” (Action 3.1) was aimed at exploring and debating the problems which are affecting the Mediterranean area and the young people life considering the respect of the Human Rights, the Euro Mediterranean youth movements for a better future and employability chances, the cooperation for peace and mutual understanding, etc. in order to rise the awarenes of the youth situation through a structured dialogue.

The main objectives were:
* debating about the democracy building process and the respect of their rules;
* defending the respect of the Human Rights;
* discussing and analysing the Arab Spring and its consecuences in our lives plus the “indignados” movement in Spain (and in other European countries);
* empowering the youth participation and motivation of youth people in EuroMed;
* encouraging the active involvement of the youth people in the Mediterranean area to enhance our future and opportunities;
* trying to find a way how to overcome political, economical, organizational and administrative issues from a youth perspective;
* how to analize the real youth life in Euro Mediterranean zone;
* how to communicate, contact and intervene (or ask for intervention) to/in cooperation with NGOs and stakeholders in EuroMed.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The target groups was composed of youth leaders, trainers, volunteers, youth workers, students and people involved in different EuroMed NGOs development coming from:

* Italy
* Egypt
* Palestinian Territory
* Turkey

The pool of trainers was formed by one trainer and one facilitator; the support staff was formed by 4 young people (gender balanced and looking at social inclusion).

Training methods used & main activities

All the non-formal techniques and tools used were successfully applied on the group which actively intervened and shaped the dimension of it.
The training course methods have been one of the key-success in terms of developing new tools for learning:

* The war-wall conflict management
* Flagging evaluation
* Journalists march
* Multilingual ST (stories and theater)

Outcomes of the activity

This training experience have been particularly enriching and the participants were very enchanted with it, above all in the dissemination phase, when they could see the real prodicuts of their personal development.

A special attention was paid to the Human Rights, and the results have been special and unique in terms of production and cooperation: participants developed, under the supervision of the trainer, a very important document they agreed one - the so call “Spring It Out Charter for Human Rights” - and they discussed about it through different activities and creative workshops. They adapted the violations of human Rights they see in their countries and they made the Charter on the basis of their defence and protection in order to safeguard the local situations they live in. The document represents much more than a simple Charter; in fact it has been under settled and positive discussions, sometimes they had to balance their minds on the behalf of a common line they needed to find, which has been something very beautiful for their mutual communication, bridging and cooperation between countries having real issues, and people who really want to speak and raise their voices.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I have been both Trainer and Project Manager, with full tasks schedule and responsibilities for all the duration of the project.
It has been partcularly important my trainer experience as to test my tools and to provide the participants with creative activities to develop.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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