TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Gabi Steinprinz
1. To understand and strengthen the practical application of SDL concept in EVS.
2. To promote the support of this process from the different actors involved (mentors, sending and hosting organisations, trainers in EVS cycle)
3. To support the quality of Non Formal Education and SDL taking into consideration present challenges and future developments and programs, also as a tool to face the youth unemployment
4. To promote and strengthen an international network of actors involved in EVS, and support for the EVS mentors.
5. To understand how supporting the process of SDL in young people during their EVS period can impact their lives, opportunities, possibilities and perspectives once their time as EVS volunteers is over.
The trainers team were from the Netherlands, Brazil and Spain. Participants were from Hungary, Spain, Turkey, Ireland, Italy, and Belgium.
Since the training focused on self-directed learning in EVS, there were various methods used to also support the process of self-directed learning of the participants themselves, including 24 hours of self directed learning, receiving and independently learning how to play a ukulele, and learning and practicing coaching techniques. It also included input, discussions, debates, reflection and outdoor activities.
As trainers we were confident that the training had achieved it's goals based on the comments from participants, that they had for the first time associated learning with freedom. One of the participants described the training in the following article:
All 3 trainers were fully responsible for designing, implementing and evaluating the training, with the support of the Spanish National Agency.