This is a reference for Mara ADR

Protect: Together to Save Children

The training activity took place
in Online
organised by Fundacja Cooperacja (PL), together with Citizens in Power (CY)

Aims & objectives

The first event was coordinated by C.I.P. Citizens In Power (Cyprus) and supported by Fundacja Cooperacja (Poland). The partners from Cyprus and Poland covered the following topics in the activities of the event:

i. Exclusion
ii. Violence
iii. Community Cohesion
iv. Territorial conflicts between YP
v. Drug use
vi. Natural highs
vii. Anti-Social Behaviour

Session 1 / Goals:
• To reflect on the previous days and on the learning
• To work on the project intellectual outputs: development of movies to raise awareness on the 5 topics defined by the project: 1) Exclusion & violence, 2) Community Cohesion, 3) Territorial conflicts between YP, 4) Drug use & natural highs, 5) Anti-social Behavior.
• To understand performances
• To present the movies.

Session 2 / Goals:
• To reflect on the previous days and on the learning
• To continue the work developed in day 3 and based on it, create the script for an animation
• To work on the project intellectual outputs: development of a script to raise awareness on child sexual exploitation.
• To vote the script which will be used in the animation, to be developed by the Polish partner, after the TA ends.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Poland, the UK, Turkey, France.

Training methods used & main activities

Anotiation for reflection sessions, group work, nationalities work, magazine creation, development of movies script, exchange of knowledge in small groups, blobs, plenary work for theoretical inputs.

Outcomes of the activity

5 group magazine emphasizing social issues at national level:
6 scripts for an animation, to be created and translation into the mother tongues of the project.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Facilitate reflection, ensure agenda and activitie development, theoretical inputs on the topics of social issues relevant for the project, facilitation of work in small groups, introduction to the topics for the scritps, development and support of the activities enuring the concept of non-formal education.

I worked on this training for 2 days as a full time trainer.

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