This is a reference for Jessica Reinsch

Project Lab on Small Scale Partnership

The training activity took place
in Vienna, Austria
organised by NA Austria (OeAD)
19.01. - 21.01.2023
Reference person

Aleksandra Vedernjak

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Aims & objectives

The aim was to equip youth workers with skills to develop Small Scale Partnership (SSP) projects under the Key Action 2 of Erasmus+ Youth programme.

• Explore essential aspects and key concepts on SSP projects within Erasmus+ Youth
• Understand quality requirements for SSP projects
• Understand the key principles for building a structure of activities, outcomes and a budget of SSP
• Explore what its takes to build and maintain an equal partnership
• Learn and reflect on how project management works and how project management methods support one's own project

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Target group: youth workers, project managers or coordinators and those who are planning to develop Small Scale Partnerships or those who's project applications have been rejected lately.
Since the training was in German language, participants came from German speaking countries (Germany, Austria, Belgium, Luxemburg).

Team: two trainers from Austria & Germany (Elisabeth Einwanger, Jessica Reinsch), two programme officers from the Austrian NA (Aleksandra Vedernjak, Zurab Samadalashvili). In some parts of the training, the team was supported in online sessions by two programme officers from the German NA (Katja Adam-Weustenfeld, Johanna König de Tenorio)

Training methods used & main activities

A bunch of methods have been used to support the non-formal learning process, helping participants to get to know each other, break the ice, share project ideas and understand the essential quality aspects of Small Scale Partnerships within the frame of Erasmus+ Youth. Structured group discussion methods have been used (e.g. expert groups) same as visualization methods for project managment or presentations to understand the concept of SSP. Guest speakers have been involved to share their good practices and we had individual and group consultations, so participants could go home with a concrete action plan.

Outcomes of the activity

This training provided participants with substantial knowledge and a deepened understanding on KA2 Small Scale Partnerships in the Youth field. Participants expressed number of learning outcomes linked to preparation of the project proposal and importance of various quality criteria. Based on the evaluation all participants have been highly satisfied or satisfied with the outcome as the training. It met their expectations well and most of them they feel very motivated and confident to start their SSP projects in the near future.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was one of the two trainers in this project. My task was to prepare, implement, evaluate and report this training. This was done hand in hand with my Austrian trainer colleague and the NA officers responsible for Key Action 2.

I worked on this training for 3 days as a full time trainer.

Testimonial of the reference person

Jessica Reinsch was a top trainer, motivated and the communication with us and teamwork with the co-trainer worked very well.

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