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progetto "Prism" Breaking Down Gender Stereotypes in Teenagers' Projects: 2016-2-IT03-KA105-008617

The training activity took place
in poggio mirteto
organised by Lunaria onlus
Reference person

Ettore Ismal Borghetto

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Aims & objectives

Trainer project within the project "Prism" Breaking Down Gender Stereotypes in Teenagers' Projects: 2016-2-IT03-KA105-008617
Work on training young professionals in contact with teenagers on bullying, discrimination on the basis of gender.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

the associations involved as well as the different teams of trainers came from Italy, Estonia, France, Belgium, Greece, England, Turkey, Czech Republic. The target group was young people and adults working directly with teenagers with social problems.

Training methods used & main activities

1. Brainstorming: A method in which participants generate ideas on a specific topic without judgment. It is useful to stimulate creativity and generate new perspectives.

2. Role-playing: This technique involves participants in playing specific roles to simulate real situations. It is effective for practicing interpersonal skills and developing empathy.

3. Practical workshops: Hands-on activities that allow participants to directly experiment with the concepts discussed. For example, scientific laboratories or practical programming exercises.

4. Game-based activities: Games or play activities incorporating learning elements. They can include quizzes, educational board games or online simulations.

5. Discussion Groups: Structured sessions where participants discuss a specific topic, share opinions and learn from other participants.

6. Group projects: Activities involving participants in working together to complete a project. This promotes teamwork, problem-solving, and collaborative learning. in action, or active participation to create activities to be proposed in the countries of origin.

Outcomes of the activity

Activities carried out in gender training may vary depending on the specific objectives of the training, the target audience and the resources available. However, here are some examples of common activities that could be included:

Involving young people in non-formal activities on gender issues and bullying can be an effective way to promote awareness, foster open discussion and encourage positive action. Here are some activities that might be useful:

1. Theatre Forum: Organises a theatrical forum session in which young people create and interpret skits dealing with bullying and gender discrimination situations. After each performance, the audience is invited to intervene and suggest alternatives of behavior.

2. Storytelling workshop: Guide young people through a storytelling workshop in which they tell personal or invented stories involving gender issues and bullying. This can be followed by discussions about the implications of their stories and strategies for dealing with such situations.

3.Awareness-raising day and artistic activities: Organises an awareness-raising day where young people participate in different artistic activities, such as painting, creative writing or music, to express their thoughts and feelings on gender issues and bullying. Their works of art can then be exhibited or shared with the community.

4. Guided discussion circle: Lead a circle of guided discussion where young people gather in a safe environment to openly talk about personal experiences, views and concerns regarding gender issues and bullying. Use open questions to stimulate reflection and encourage participation by all.

5. Role-playing activities: Organizes role-playing activities in which young people play different roles in situations of bullying or gender discrimination. This allows them to understand the different perspectives involved and explore alternative solutions.

6. Team building and trust activities: Conduct team building activities that promote trust and mutual respect among young people. This can include trust games, collaborative activities, and communication exercises that emphasize the importance of respect and solidarity.


Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

In this training we created a training area that then saw the participants return through two exchanges as leaders and put into practice what they learned during the training.
In a pool of 4 trainers I took care of group building and activities related to personal expressiveness, as well as reflective debriefing guided after activity.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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