This is a reference for Panagiotis Mamouzakis

Practicing Coaching Training

The training activity took place
in Ommen, The Netherlands
organised by Olde Vechte Foundation
Reference person

Marco Vlaming

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

The new Practicing Coaching is a 7 days international training course designed with the aim to facilitate personal and professional growth for people who are involved or interested in coaching. The program of this training is made with the emphasis on experiential learning and is available to everyone regardless of their professional background.
Feeling comfortable in the role of a coach comes to some people more easily than the others, but it is, in its core, a talent that can be developed and practiced. The training approaches coaching as a process that brings participants from the level of experiencing to understanding and using their potential in coaching circumstances.
The build up of the training takes in account the individual differences of the participants and offers a
variety of activities, exercises, techniques, tools, theoretical framework and practical advices to improve personal performance in social interactions and to adapt coaching styles and strategies.
The Practicing Coaching training offers a unique learning approach that reaches out to the participants through a wide range of coaching methods and techniques through learning by doing or learning by experiencing. The training is opening door to new approaches and methods of coaching, as they are available at the moment and manifests itself through intense practicing, using real life examples, introductio, reflection videos and live

In this training we explore:
> The dynamics of how communication happens, internal and external.
> How to establish a better connection with others and generate trust.
> How to identify and clarify misunderstanding in communication.
> Increase your ability to create choices and flexibility in managing your states and behaviors.
> How to match your communication to a person you are having the conversation with.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

This Training Course is
for 28 participants
from PARTNER COUNTRIES NEIGHBOURING THE EU Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestine, Russian Federation, Serbia, Syria, Tunisia, Ukraine, YOUTH IN ACTION PROGRAMME COUNTRIES Austria, Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom

and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Project managers, Youth Policy Makers, EVS mentors/tutors

Training methods used & main activities

Methods and techniques:

Language is highly creative and generative. For individuals and organisations, we do much more than descried with our language; we create relationships, moods, public identity, contexts and commitment. In this training we learn how to work with language in coaching.

There is a common awareness about living in the here and now; future and past are the background contexts in which actions in the here and now become meaningful. In this training you learn how to work in the here and now using your intuition as a base tool.

Backtracking offers a simple technique, which brings forward what is unsaid, keeps the flow of the conversation and encourages smoothly the expression of the coachee.

Reflecting on feelings
This technique offers an easy way, through which a coach can show empathy and deep understanding towards the coachee.

Summarizing and Paraphrase
The moment that, during a coaching session, the coachee is running into a never-ending story, this technique might be supportive, in order to give structure to the coachee and to take the session to a further step.

To change the conceptual or the emotional viewpoint of the coachee towards a situation and place it in a different frame that fits the facts of another situation equally well.

Lazy Coach
A state of mind that we reside in, when we get comfortable doing nothing, in which we demonstrate a lack of response to requests.

Dead End Street
The dead-end street technique can be used in situations, in which our coachee says something to us or reacts in a certain way, but we cannot use this in any way or this is not real. This might be, for instance, a personal timed remark. At these moments, as a coach, we feel like we are in a dead-end street and we can’t get out anymore. This
technique offers a basic structure to get us out of this dead-end.

Shooting from the hip (or the cowboy technique)
Shooting from the hip is basically a technical way of asking questions, which enables expression. As it is revealed from the idiom itself, it requires from the coach to ask questions directly and quickly, without considering the possible outcome of this action.

State Management
How to create a state as a coach in order to work out of it in a coaching conversation. How to create the required state and how to let it go.

Behavioural coaching
In big lines it is a way of coaching that has behaviour as a starting point. It can be formulated in creative assignments, using the natural environment of the coachee, or assemble an assignment that can involve a wide range of activities.

Observation technique
An important basic skill for coaching is observation: hearing, looking and sensing. The more you know the more you know where to look, listen and what to sense. This part it given a lot of attention in the training and will come back in many of the other parts of the training

Through silence and awareness on yourself there is already a lot to discover, as coachee as well as coach, feelings, thoughts and physical awareness can lead to insights and new behaviour. You learn as a coach a few simple techniques that can easily be used in all kind of settings.

Changing Memories
It is a specific way of re-framing. Many people have unpleasant memories that occur from time to time and that can be limiting in daily life. However these memories are seldom a fact wise rapport of what happened and mostly get another form over time. There are some simple steps and techniques to put these memories in another perspective.

Video feedback
Videos give the opportunity to train observation in another time context. We are able to observe ourselves and reality within the safety of time-distance.

Outcomes of the activity

The Practicing Coaching is designed as a learning setting that stimulates participants to improve different aspect of their personal and professional life. Specific results of the training are very individual and depend on the different angles or experiential points one had went through during this learning process. In general the key outcome of this training course is the empowerment of participants in the sense of their capability to identify techniques and approaches that are suitable for them in everyday life and their work. This training tends to encourage individuals to be more influential in communication, to develop responsibility for themselves rather that to be carried by the stream of events both in personal and professional sphere. And finally to help others work on their learning processes by coaching them from the essence.

Learning outcomes of the training in different spheres of life:
• to empower your children and help them believe in themselves;
• to create a better relationship with your partner;
• to create better relations with your parents and other family members.

Relationship/ friendship
• to become better friends with yourself and others;
• to reach more satisfying agreements with others;
• to creating win-win situations when possible;
• to develop and nurture empathy.

• to grow your business;
• to develop your managerial abilities;
• to empower people with whom you work;
• to understand the link between individuals and the business.

• to identify coaching techniques and approaches that are suitable for you;
• to make sure your client is working during the session;
• to make a distinction between the part (role) of the coach and role (part) of the client in the coaching process;
• to evaluate your results as a coach;
• to help you be more successful in your current role;
• to assist you in helping others be more successful in their roles;
• to set and achieve desired goals and outcomes as a professional coach.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was trainer in this training

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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