TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Vitalii Volodchenko
With this project, we wanted to expand the use of outdoor games and activities as a tool for inclusion and integration among the pather organisations.
We consider that youth workers, who are competent in implementing outdoor activities supporting intercultural learning and cooperation, are experienced in effective managing of groups including youngsters with fewer opportunities, have an important role in promoting integration and inclusion of youngsters with fewer opportunities.
"Outdoors for inclusion" is a training course that aims to educate and support youth workers, trainers and educators on how to use outdoors as a tool for inclusion in their youth work. The objectives of the project are:
To improve the competencies of using the outdoors as a tool for inclusion in youth work
To improve competencies on empathizing and defining the needs of target groups
To improve competencies on developing, prototyping and testing outdoor activities supporting the inclusion in local communities
27 youth/social workers, youth leaders, trainers and educators from Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Georgia, Latvia, Poland, Turkey, and Ukraine
During the Training Course the participants experienced and learn different types of outdoor activities (Hiking, Boating, Solo time, Photo hunting, etc.); empathize and define the needs of various target groups; develop, prototype and test their own outdoor activities supporting inclusion; introduced to methodological and safety aspects.
There was one and a half-full day stay complete outdoors, including cooking, sleeping in bags and group activities.
The trainer’s team offer methods of reflection, which can be used in the follow-up multiplying events in the home countries of the participating partner organisations.
In the content of nature-based activities, the program offer reflection methods based on self-reflection in a natural surrounding, to calm down and listen to yourself in nature.
Through the three-stage project, participants developed a complex of skills, knowledge, and attitudes that significantly improved their personal and career perspectives. Their self-confidence was raised, both on a personal level due to socializing (in native and foreign languages) and on a professional level due to learning/working and implementing developed activities.
Monitoring of implemented outdoor games and activities and general evaluation after the training, showed us that improved quality of youth work delivered is the main impact of the activity on the participants’ daily work with young people after the training. This was achieved, as a complex of the following:
-the use of new working methods discovered during the project activities (energizers and icebreaking, team building games, outdoor games and activities, reflection, evaluation and feedback, etc)
-better respond to the needs of target groups based on practical experience
-raised awareness and attention towards youngsters with fewer opportunities
-confidence in the design and implementation of own outdoor games/activities, workshops/seminars
-a more comprehensive approach towards activities based on the methodologies
-more creative ways to organising activities and their work in general
-community support from peers/colleagues
-an improved sense of initiative
Coordination, design and implementation of the session during the training activity with my colleague Michael Scheuchenegger