TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Diana-Adela Ionita
New Media Ambassadors was an YiA TC. The project aimed to build capacity of European youth workers in the field of new media communication. The objectives were: Empowering youth workers to use multimedia tools to fight discrimination and to promote European values such as tolerance, democracy, respect to human rights, equality; Providing new media skills to youth workers in order to use social media tools to improve communication and fundraising activities of their organisations; Stimulating youth workers to cooperate at European level, to share good practices to network in order to raise their organisations advocacy capacity towards other stakeholders
Youth workers, youth leaders, project managers, EVS coordinators from UK, Romania, Turkey, Croatia, Poland, Slovenia, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, France, Belgium and Estonia
Non-formal education methods such as (but not only): energisers and icebreakers, team-building activities, Face-2-Facebook, fish-bowl, open space, world-cafe, Casino, brainstorming, intercultural communication activities.
soft & hard skills developed, "Wipe Out Online Hate - 9/11/2013" activity -