This is a reference for Anna Krzeszowska-Hovanecz

Need Analysis of the Youth Organization

The training activity took place
in GdaƄsk, Poland
organised by Morena Association

Aims & objectives

To give participants knowledge and skills of what is it and how to use need analysis so that they can implement it in their projects and make them more effective and successfull.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Youth workers, volunteers, project managers from Slovakia, Turkey, Italy, Poland.

Training methods used & main activities

Workshops, out-door activities, reaserch, games, individual refletion, group work, flashmobe.

Outcomes of the activity

After this training course, participants know:

- understand the idea of need analysis;
- know how to use it as a tool in project management;
-be able to analyse the needs and potential of their target groups;
- be able to analyse the needs and potential of their organisation;
- be able to analyse the needs and potential of their local community;
- be able to analyse their potential and potential of their co-workers;
- be able to use different methods, tools and techniques of need analysis;

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Full time trainer

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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