TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Vitalie Cirhana
This training course have aim to develop their intercultural learning and dialogue competences (knowledge, skills, attitudes) that would enable them to become effective multipliers of intercultural dialogue at their communities with young people.
• Sharing realities in different European countries when it comes to challenges related to dealing with cultural diversity – the focus on how it affects young people and their needs
• Exploring main theories and concepts related to inter-cultural learning and dialogue competence –culture, identity, dialogue, diversity, inclusion-exclusion, mechanisms of stereotyping, prejudices and discrimination, etc.
• Becoming more aware about their own identity, culture, stereotypes and prejudiced behaviour patterns and realize that intercultural learning and dialogue is a life-long learning process
• Discovering components of intercultural learning and intercultural dialogue competence
• Develop skills of youth workers to design and facilitate concrete non-formal learning activities for young people that develop their intercultural understanding, solidarity and inclusion
• Empowering youth workers to improve the quality of their youth work by becoming active promoters of intercultural learning and multipliers of intercultural dialogue with their young people – by transversally including ICL&ICD in their daily youth work or through specially design NFL activities
24 motivated youth workers, youth leaders, peer-to-peer educators and active members of youth organizations from 9 different European countries (Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Romania, Italy, Turkey, Poland and Germany)
To ensure the training has a real impact on participants, we try to include a wide spectrum of methods and approaches.
Considering the different learning styles of people, we make sure that the methods chosen provide a good balance of opportunities for different people and are as interactive/involving as possible.
Our participants develop increase their intercultural competence and also understanding of non-formal education aproach and develop their competencies on how to plan, facilitate, and evaluate the non-formal learning process focused on Intercultural Learning and Dialog.
Together with my co-trainer Ieva, we try to lead session together. Together we lead following activities: Getting-to-know each other, Expectations, motivation, approach, Teambruilding activities, Intro to Youthpass Learning Diary, Openning discussion on the topic: Different understanding of learning/ education , Non-formal learning approach and methodologies, Group dynamics and planning of learning process, The role of facilitator and exploting the Intercultural Learning conept, souch as Identity, Culture, Prejudice, Stereotypes, Discrimination, Intercultural Dialog, etc.