This is a reference for Bruno Pizzini

MORE Intercultural competences: sensitizing on personal and social identity towards migration topic for increasing quality in youth work

The training activity took place
in Limassol - Cyprus
organised by Make it Happen NGO
20 - 30 November 2023

Aims & objectives

The aim of the "MORE intercultural competence" project is to promote inclusive societies by providing education professionals with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to contribute to the development of a generation of young people who are more aware, open, and ready to face and live with others. The project focuses on the realization of the goal n. 3 "Inclusive societies" of the European Youth Strategy 2019-2027. Through the educational tool MORE, participants will reflect on social and personal dynamics in response to migratory processes, such as prejudices, stereotypes, fears, and integration processes. The game itself will be presented as a useful means of responding to micro-conflict situations that everyone is called upon to manage in their own professional environment

The specific objectives are to:

1. Provide education professionals with new knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to intercultural competence.
2. Promote the acquisition of European identity and global citizenship education among young people.
3. Contribute to the development of a socially sustainable and inclusive society.
4. Encourage the professional and personal growth of professionals in the field of training.
5. Raise awareness of immigration and its dynamics inherent in the European Union and its functioning.
6. Offer all participants a real and concrete experience of inclusion, in a controlled and protected environment.
7. Provide a useful means of responding to micro-conflict situations that everyone is called upon to manage in their own professional environment

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The main target group of the "MORE intercultural competence" project consists of 28 education professionals, including youth workers, trainers, and teachers, aged 25 and over, belonging to 7 European organizations and daily engaged in youth work (13-30 years) in different contexts such as schools, NGOs, associations, and youth centers.

The countries involved are Armenia, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Germany, and Bosnia and Herzegovina

Training methods used & main activities

The training methods were primarily rooted in non-formal education principles. Activities were carefully designed to engage participants actively, with a focus on fostering a range of competencies crucial for international youth work. Reflection sessions, like the use of the Youthpass mandala and artificial intelligence systems to explore emotional shaping, allowed participants to reflect on their learning styles and evaluate their own learning experiences. These activities also aimed to enhance adaptability in facing unexpected learning situations.

The training heavily featured role-playing games, particularly the MORE game, providing a hands-on experience in managing negotiations concerning human rights and complex interest balancing. These simulations aimed to develop problem-solving and decision-making skills in real-life scenarios.

Activities addressing cultural conflicts and social exclusion were used to immerse participants in diverse scenarios, enhancing their ability to work with different approaches and manage emotions effectively in a team setting.

Emphasis was also placed on communication skills. Participants engaged in exercises promoting active listening, empathy, and multilingual expression, preparing them for meaningful communication in a multicultural context.

Additionally, sessions focused on media literacy, providing insights on migrations, source verification, and critical thinking, essential in today's information-rich landscape.

Outcomes of the activity

The training activity achieved several significant outcomes. Firstly, it successfully transferred knowledge and skills to 30 social actors from seven European countries. This, in turn, is expected to result in a notable increase in the number of training proposals utilizing the specified methodology and game. By certifying a limited number of trainers, the project aims to give them a competitive advantage, encouraging them to conduct training sessions using the tool.

Additionally, the participants organized workshops for at least 20 young people each, utilizing the game and documenting these sessions through photographs, videos, or written materials. This approach not only provided participants with practical experience in using the game but also triggered a cascading effect, potentially reaching up to 600 young people after the project's conclusion. The dissemination activities, including social media insights, will be used to precisely determine the audience reached in terms of numbers and composition.

Furthermore, the project envisions the implementation of international and local projects by the organizations involved. Access to the game-based tool and the availability of qualified trainers for each participating organization increased the likelihood of developing new projects or integrating the game into existing initiatives.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was a co-facilitator during the training course for all days with my colleague Desiree Descisciolo.

I worked on this training for 11 days as a full time trainer.

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