TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Michael Kimmig
The training course is aiming at supporting personal and professional development of mentors and motivating them for long-term involvement in their organisations. We would like to create a learning space that allows:
- to understand better personal change (in general as well as during EVS),
- to get to know coaching approach, its philosophy and tools,
- to try out and experience coaching tools and techniques,
- to explore ways, how coaching philosophy and tools could be applied to the work of mentors supporting volunteers during EVS.
Besides this we believe, that the training course is a great opportunity to exchange experience on different mentoring practices on an international level, as well as creating a support-network among mentors.
(Call for participants)
Participants: EVS mentors who:
- have experience of being a mentor in at least one long-term EVS project,
- value the subject of personal change and are curious to explore more of it,
- are interested and motivated to develop their personal and professional competences,
- would like to commit themselves for a long-term involvement in their organisation.
- are at least 18 years old residents of the Youth in Action Programme Countries, SEE and EECA regions.
The training was based on the principles and practice of non-formal education, taking into account participants’ needs, motivations and experiences. We used a broad variety of methods which allow active involvement and try to ensure a balance between theory and practice.
As outcomes we achieved...
- developing awareness and skills of EVS mentors,
- raising knowledge about coaching and mentoring,
- broadening skills on and tools for mentoring based coaching approaches,
- knowledge about mentoring in other European countries.
Preparing, carrying out and evaluating the training course