TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Athina Mourtiadou
Its objective was improving competences and skills of the responsible youth workers who want to use media tools in their daily work with the theme “climate change and sustainability”.
Participants of the training were 28 people from 8 EU-countires (DE/ SE/ DK/ FI/ TR/ GR/ IT/ PL).
They were trained as multipliers to the methods of raising European awareness, promoting environmental protection and sustainability together with intercultural
dialogue and fostering understanding and cooperation between young people in Europe with the help of
Community Media and Web-TV-tools.
Focused on the theme ‘climate change and renewable energy’ participants explored characteristics of active citizenship, and intercultural dialogue and learnt through Non formal education / Experiencial learning, how these priorities can be creatively addressed by means of using modern digital and Community Media.
They had the opportunity to visit and learn from ecological and environmentally friendly businesses and istitutions in Hannover, and to conduct street interviews with the public’s opinion on important social issues.
They produced video reports that they presented on an publicly open event. Products can be found on
I was a co-trainer for the train the trainer part and media group leader