TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Ana Rita Camará
This Partner Building Activity (=PBA) aims at creating concrete partnerships – by preference between North and South of Europe, so that they can develop youth exchange projects and apply in 2014 under the new Programme Erasmus+.
It is organized inside a small village where during the PBA, the involvement of and contact with the local community serves as a concrete and practical example on how this can be done during youthexchanges, hereby multiplying the outcomes and impacts of your projects.
25 participants from Norway, Portugal, Malta, Croatia, Cyprus, Spain and Italy
Plenary discussions, interactive lectures, presentations of good and bad practice, debates, vídeo and PowerPoint Presentations on the relevant themes, statement exercises to promote discussion and debate, work and think groups , speed dating sessions, energizers and icebreakers, informal moments promoting exchange of information and discussions
The PBA has been hugely appreciated, particularly the project building process and the
implementation in and with a local reality. All evaluated topics shows a very clear high
appreciation level by a great majority of the group.
One of the responsible for the coordination and facilitation of the PBA, coordination of the logostic team once this was organised with full involvement of the rural village and present stakeholders (population, associations, local government).