This is a reference for Isabel Carayol Lorenzo

Make the change come true - Live your life sustainable

The training activity took place
in Saalburg-Ebersdorf, Germany
organised by Culture goes Europe
12. - 20.09.2014

Aims & objectives

The training "Make the change come true - live your life sustainable" wanted to promote sustainable and healthy behaviours among young people through non-formal and outdoor education.

The main topics were sustainability and social entrepreneurship and how each individual can be part of a sustainable change in the world.

The participants were encouraged to reflect upon themselves and their lifestyles concerning in particular sustainable and healthy ways of living.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

In this project 30 participants aged 18 to 30 from five different countries, namely Germany, Croatia, Lithuania, Portugal and Italy participated.

Training methods used & main activities

During the whole training non-formal education methods such as group exercises, simulations, presentations, games, role plays and outdoor and experiential education were used.

Outcomes of the activity

One output of this training was, that participants were more concious about sustainability and the effects of their own behaviour and lifestyles.

They were encouraged to become proactive and in their own personal way and contexts make the world a more sustainable place for everyone.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

My role in this training was the role of a trainer. I was responsible for planning the content of the training on the one side and for carrying out the training on the other side. My colleague Juliane was responsible for training sessions as well the organizational part of the training.

My role in the training was especially to give insight on the topic "sustainability" and "social entrepreneurship".

I worked on this training for 9 days as a full time trainer.

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