This is a reference for Natali Kenkadze

Live the Other, Experience Yourself

The training activity took place
in Arezzo, Italy
organised by Rondine Cittadella della Pace
28th September – 4th October, 2014

Aims & objectives

“Live the Other, Experience Yourself” is a training course aimed at improving peacebuilding attitudes and skills through a self-development process.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

24 youngsters from 6 different countries, affected, somehow, by historical, cultural, social and/or armed conflicts.

Training methods used & main activities

Participants were intellectually, emotionally, socially, politically, spiritually, and physically engaged in the training process. Self-reflection and interaction were the dimension in which trainers will work to improve, empower and expand social leadership in peacebuilding.
Trainers worked according to the Learning by doing methodology, based on the concepts of developing and challenging individuals and groups through a creative stimulation that connects objective contents with personal experience and internalization. Learning by doing refers to the process of making meanings from direct experience. This method has recently been implemented by the concepts of learning by thinking, and learning by loving. Learning by thinking denotes the action of reflecting on the process going on, in order to get knowledge from it. Finally, learning by loving expresses the importance given to motivation and passion that enrich the learning experience.

Outcomes of the activity

During the training the participants were provided with frames and tools, that they can use first of all for their personal development, and secondly to improve their social work and engagement. A particular focus was set on communication and dynamic of conflict and peace making.
The seldom presence of members and former members of Rondine in our activities gave to personal experience and witness a special importance. Through the words of those that are dedicating or have dedicated an entire part of their life to conflict resolution, participants got extremely useful instruments of challenges and achievements in peacebuilding.
Conflicts were not faced or approached directly neither politically. Participants got some key and were offered new perspective with which to look and work on them, on their own, all lifelong.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Co-trainer with two trainers from Italy

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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