TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Eelin Hoffström
The overall aim of the training course is to develop competences among youth workers of their inner knowledge from a holistic approach, and develop their capacity to support young people to explore this.
- To introduce innovative & creative new methods to engage young people in their
lives and work and increase their chances of employment / work opportunities
- To explore different ways of recognition of learning outcomes
- To learn how to use storytelling and nature-based methods to empower young
people to be more active in and responsible for their work, home & community lives.
- To improve knowledge about the Erasmus+ Youth Programme as a tool for
improving the quality and enhancing the international dimension of youth work
- To enhance young people's abilities to access their creativity and sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
- To create effective & interesting CVs and learn unexpected self marketing tools
- To provide space for participants for the discussion and sharing of best practices
and to develop their skills and competences.
The participants were from various European countries e.g. Czech republic, Hungary, Finland, Sweden, UK, Estonia. The participants represented organisations working with youth and methods related to storytelling and/or outdoor methodology. The trainers team consisted of Steve Gasgarth of Coyote initiatives, UK, Sandra Östensson, YMCA, Sweden and Eelin Hoffström, Saga Finland.
The methods were aimed to create a connection between outdoor methods and storytelling. All the methods used were non-formal.
All the participants had a chance to learn how to evaluate their own skills and strengths and promote themselves in creative ways using different methods and tools. Some tools used were, soundcould, moovly, etc.
I was part of the team responsible for writing the application, delivering the sessions and developing the follow up activities.