This is a reference for Antonio Aspromonte

Let's learn tech!

The training activity took place
in Acireale (CT), ITALY
organised by Gruppo Informale GiovanEuropa

Aims & objectives

Purpose of the training:
- To provide youngsters with the competences related to the use of new technologies/ ICT in
order to improve the quality of work of their organizations,
- To promote safe use of modern communication media,
- To contribute to the capacity building of the youth organizations,
- When accomplishing capacity building, doing that in an eco-friendly and cost efficient way;
understanding how we can save our world by using renewable energy resources,
- To develop strategies on how these competences can enhance the quality of youth work in
practice, namely
– in networking, in recruiting and increasing the participation and including
young people with disabilities in youth work through youth organizations,
- To increase the awareness of young people regarding online safety, i.e. preventing the
following: cyber-bullying, sexual abuse, abuse of minors, identity theft, and breach of privacy.

- To explore the current trends, characteristics and forms of youth work and participation through
- To provide information for protecting children and young people who are the most vulnerable
groups within cyber-crimes and related activities.
- To promote eco-friendly and cost efficient ways; understanding how we can save our world by
using renewable energy resources,
- To provide information and skills on using ICT for organizations to establish contacts with other
organizations with similar aims and objectives and create partnerships for joint youth projects
in the field of their interests.
- To provide skills on drafting and implementing an efficient MARCOM (marketing and
communication) plan by using ICT.
- To exchange experiences and good practices in networking, participation/recruiting and
inclusion of young people with disabilities in youth work through ICT.
- To analyze challenges and opportunities of the use of new technologies in youth work.
- To explore first-hand the ICT tools that allow democratic, inclusive, meaningful and
empowering participation and networking by all young people.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Target group were young people, big consumer of the new technologies.
35 youth workers from the following countries involved: Italy, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Turkey, Armenia.

Training methods used & main activities

Methodology: the seminar was based on “non formal learning” methodology. With following and applying NFL principles, we tryed to create a working&living environment where every single person could have the proper time and space to express oneself, to be fully and actively part of the seminar and its process.
The methodology of the training programme is based on the main principles of experiential learning
cycle and non-formal education.
The programme is designed with a logical flow that starts with introduction to concepts and progressively gets into the topic, to end up working on the creation by participants of practical results. This way, the course
will close with a document containing all the information gathered in the training.

Specific methods used: role play, outdoor games, nature exploration, hike, coaching, group games, peer-to-peer learning, practice, simulations, reflection groups etc.

Outcomes of the activity

- 35 participants equipped with key competences connected with employability and empowerment in the IT world.
- innovation in the field of education due to the creation of an Awareness Technologies Addiction Guide, created by the participants.
- non-formal workshops delivered by the participants to the local youth.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

My tasks during within the team were: delivering sessions based on non-formal education methods, facilitating group discussion, preparing materials, facilitating evening activities, providing support for the participants etc.

I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

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