This is a reference for ilias karachalios


The training activity took place
in Patras, Greece
organised by ASPETE Patras
24-30 September 2022
Reference person

Leonidas Gomatos

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Aims & objectives

This LTT focused on “Water Sustainability & Water footprint” in theory and in practice emphasizing the importance of the natural resources for all participants.
By this mobility it was expected to:
• Raise the awareness of the participants on water sustainability issues
• Change the perceptions of the participants on related issues and habits they have
• Understand the educational system on environmental related issues
• Realise the role and impact of higher education on environmental related issues
The specific training address the needs of adopting a more sustainable way of living and use of natural resources (like water) for younger generations.

ASPETE - School of Pedagogical and Technological Education is a Greek University which specializes in training teachers. In these terms the training provide a full guide on how to train students on Water Sustainability to the participating Teachers and their students.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

5-7 students (16-17 y.o.) with the assistance of two teachers from each participating school, attend this learning teaching training activity. 30 participants in total from Italy, Turkey, Spain and Portugal attend this LTT.
This Training was part of Erasmus+ KA2 WAFLE - Water Footprints Literacy Education 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000034477.

Training methods used & main activities

In this Training we mainly work in teams, (either national groups or mixed) and we use non formal methods like ice-breakers, energisers, name games, getting to know each other, communication, teambuilding activities, role playing and video creation.

Outcomes of the activity

The training activity achieve to bring students and teachers from 5 different countries together and work in non formal methods in order to develop skills related to water sustainability.

The training was a success because of the participation and the interest of the participants, who were very sad to leave. They participate in every activity with passion and they were very proud of their contribution at the end.
At the same time we implement an evaluation form where 22 out of 30 participants took part after the end of the project and they were very happy for this.
Here are some of their answer on how their participation affected them:
i feel inspired!
Interaction with so nice people always affects me positively and interaction with people from different cultures makes you more tolerant and less ignorant.
I realized how vital it is for students to work in group and to be able to speak their mind freely without being judged
I actually feel a bit more extroverted, interacting with a lot of new people helped my social skills, from my perspective at least.
I am more knowledgeable about water sustainability.
It really inspired me; I feel more comfortable ti talk to people from other countries; It helped me understand the importante of water.
I think because, for all the information we got, it made me more awake to the topic.
It has made me feel more free to express myself and learn that I don’t have to be a genius (ofc) just trying with a smile and hard work I can do whatever I want to do. It changed my way to see things in many aspects.
I got better knowledge on water sustainability, I'm less insecure (taking with people) , I'm am able to express myself in inglish
This training makes me more confident with my english skills, gives new knowledges about others and about water sustainability and also it makes me more and more curious
I am more social now
It couraged me to speak in english more than I used to.
I feel more free
With this training days, I realized that I can communicate with people easily. And got some cool whiskey bars in Patras.
I feel full of positive energy
Teamwork is looks more easier than before i arrive
it gave me the energy to start a new school year and new English skills
It helped to reflect on the need to adopt techniques to save water, there was a lot of interaction between all the participants, which was very enriching and friendly. At the cultural level, it was very interesting, for example, the visit to the museums, having got to know the doects of history.

List of Publications:

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was the main trainer and organiser. From the begging of organising the venue and the hotels up to the training program, activities and the implementation of it.

I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

Testimonial of the reference person

Ilias Karachalios was an inspired trainer. The participants of the program enriched their social skills, felt happy and acquired valuable knowledge regarding water sustainability.

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