This is a reference for Michal Braun

Leaders of Change

The training activity took place
in Poland
organised by Societas Matura

Aims & objectives

- fostering quality of youth work and social activness through providing a group of young leaders from various countries with practical skills in leadership,
- Enhancing mulitultural approach as well as tollerance and solidarity of participant through prividin learning space for young people from countries that are different from one another.
- Exchange of good practices related to innovative youth projects, which realize the leaders in our communities, civil society development projects
- Equip the participants with the key competences usefull not only in the social work but also on a job market
- Learning to apply the acquired skills training in youth work
- Promoting enterpreneurship and inclusion of young people

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Poland, Hungary, Turkey, UK

Training methods used & main activities

- Presentation
- Word Cafe
- Brainstorming
- Self-reflection
- Working in groups
- "Open space activity"
- Buzz groups
- Theatrical Scenes
- Psychotest
- Simulation
- Energizers,
- Icebreakers
- Namegames
- Creating graffiti
- Case study
- Meditation

Outcomes of the activity

- Empowered young leaders
- Initiavied taken by participants (new project)
- Participants in contact for a long time

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Project coordinations, logistics, responsible for delivering a training

I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

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