This is a reference for Vera Goriunova

LABIRINT:training course on outdoor education for youth workers

The training activity took place
in Baikal lake, Russia
organised by CGE Culture Goes Europe - Soziokulturelle Initiative Erfurt e.V.

Aims & objectives

-to reflect on the outcomes from the practical phase of LTTC;
-to make a plan of integration of the outdoor education approach
to youth work with diverse groups (concrete ideas and steps);
-to assess personal training style and personal expression while
organizing, implementing and evaluating outdoor activities.
-to plan the future international cooperation;
-to share good practices and challenges of integration of outdoor
education in youth work with diverse groups in the field of youth
empowerment-to discuss different approaches to experiential learning,
outdoor education and youth empowerment;
-to test new models, tools and instruments in outdoor education and
experiential learning.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Participants from Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, North Macedonia, Armenia, Gergia, Russian Federation,Austria, Germany
youth leaders, youth workers dealing with young people from diverse background, staff from NGOs and trainers.

Training methods used & main activities

Interactive non-formal education methods (experiential learning exercises, presentations, discussions, workshops, expert inputs, etc.), outdoor methodology

Outcomes of the activity

-development of competences of educators in outdoor education
-development of new outdoor methods
-knowledge on the good practices
-development of competences in group dynamics
- cooperation and networking

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

a trainer

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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