TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Ksenija Joksimovic
Aims of the training were to :
• Increase participants’ knowledge and appreciation of one another’s culture and identity
• Raise awareness of stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination and find ways to overcome them
• Exchange experiences related to projects dealing with LGBTTIQ issues
• Present and practice a variety of non-formal learning techniques useful for working with young people and LGBTTIQ groups
• Empower and motivate participants to develop theatre productions by and for young people to
combat discrimination and use of theatre methods in youth work
• Foster mutual support and cooperation among the international participants and encourage the
formation of long-term friendship and cooperation.
Target group were 35 young people coming from Serbia, Italy, Croatia, Macedonia, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Portugal, Spain, Hungary, Greece and Montenegro.
Trainers were Serbian.
Methods used during training activities were theatre in education, social theatre, Theatre of the Oppressed (Forum theatre, Image theatre and Newspappers theatre), but aslo role play, working in groups, methods based on intercultural learning, workshops based on norm criticism approach, simulation, games and energizers.
For example, during the exploration of the norms on heterosexuality, participants were invited to explore it through the image theatre, showing one norm with their body. Later on, we discussed all the mentioned norms.
The result of the training were 11 theatre productions, theatre performances in 11 countries.
Participants were sensitized on the topic of LGBTTIQ+ issues and were taught on how to use theatre in dealing with these issues. They have aquired skills of working with youth on the topic, with using theatre methods.
Successfully implemented performances were the proof that training achieved its goals.
Beside that, on the end of the training, participants were far more sensitized and motivated to work on the topic.
I was in charge for designing, planing training activities and implementing the training. I was a full time trainer together with Demir Mekic.