This is a reference for Peter Mitchell

Inspiring Voices

The training activity took place
in Fahren/Berlin, Germany
organised by GrĂ¼ner Grashalm e.V.
12-21 December 2018

Aims & objectives

- To equip youth leaders with the pedagogical tools to use music in their youth work
- To quip youth leaders with the pedagogical tools to use creative writing in their youth work

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Trilateral Training Course for Youth Workers from:
- Russia
- Germany
- Ukraine

Training methods used & main activities

Non-formal methods including small group work, participant led discussions and sharing of best practice. The training drew on the methodology of the Kolb cycle and 'action,reflection,transfer' and applied this to the creative process.

Outcomes of the activity

The immediate success of the training was measured with reference to the end of training evaluation, which was overwhelmingly positive. Further indicators of success were measured in local follow-up initiatives that directly resulted from the project

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Organiser and Trainer

I worked on this training for 8 days as a full time trainer.

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