TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Darya Arystava
Aims at innovation in the field of Youth aimed at empowering youth and social workers/operators who work with young people at risk of radicalisation.
Meeting aimed on testing and finalizing the modules contained in the IO1 among the participants.
Group consisted of the participants from Spain, Italy, Turkey, Romania, Russian Federation.
Learning throug doing metodology, peer to peer, active involvment, debates, brainstorming, reflection, video creation, active listening.
Ice Breakers, Team buildings, and Get to Know Each Other Activities (Name games, counting, energizers etc.)
Group activities (Forum theather, world cafe etc.)
Topic oriented activities (My path, dance hall etc.).
During the meeting participants from the participating organizations have tested and finalized the modules contained in the IO1, directly addressed to the youth workers of the participating organizations.
All the participants have expressed their satisfaction and increased their level of knowledge about the prevention of radicalization. Both multiplier events and local activities have been organized by each participating organization in their country to directly address the modules to the young people at risk of radicalization.
Facilitating, preparation of the materials, creating the training and activities, implementing the activities, controlling group dynamic, introduction, reflection, dissemination.