TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for ADIB LRHOUL
The training course "InclusIn Action" aimed to develop participants’ understanding of the role of youth organisations in fighting for the concerns and needs of Roma youth people and to empower their organisational management competences (governance, shared leadership, decision making, conflict management, advocacy, motivation, empowerment, strategic planning, resource management etc.). The TC tried on also to enhance participants’ skills in developing projects within their organisations based on youth participation through the Youth in Action Programme.
The team was composed of 3 trainers from France, Morocco and Spain.
The participants were coming from different european countries:
Spain, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Poland, France.
The methods used in the TC were based on non formal education.
The training course was successful in terms of achieving its objectives. It has created a good motivation for the participants to go further in fighting for Roma people rights and make future projects to raise awarness about Roma community in the world. Their feedback in the evaluation was very positive too.
I was a full time trainer during the 6 days of the training course.