TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Joanna Stoupa
"ID HUMAN" aimed to train and educate youth workers in order to be able to fight inequality and discrimination against the migrants the refugees and weak with social intervention activities.
The international training course gathered 28 international participants from 8 different countries: Greece, Cyprus, Finland, Sweden, Germany, France, Italy, Latvia.
Non formal education methods were used such as: debates, games, discussions, simulations, engaging in interactive group and pair work the participants had the opportunity to reflect upon and subsequently understand themselves what civil society is and what its role in stimulating the present day people struggle for equality is. Equipped with new tools and methodologies provided by the experts and trainers in nonviolent social conflict management and Erasmus +, the participants (youth workers, youth leaders, decision makers) started their own ventures in social intervention so to bring the much needed positive change.
Training project "ID HUMAN!" developed the following youth skills: capacity building
creating actions for the social integration of young people with a focus on young refugees and migrants - training on social intervention tools to tackle discrimination against them.
I was working for 8 days as a full time trainer.