TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Barbara Moś
The objectives of HUBsters training course are:
• To define the roles of Youth Leaders in supporting youth participation;
• To self-assess and develop Youth Leaders’ competences;
• To equip Youth Leaders with tools and resources to continuously support youth participation and enable them to exchange their experience;
• To support them to plan international and transnational youth projects answering needs of the young people in their local societies.
Daniel Gismera - Spain
Petya Chalakova - Bulgaria
Bruno Pizzini - Italy
Non formal learning methodology based on values of participation and inclusion.
We organised workshops, simulations, visual facilitation, presentations and board games.
Drafts of youth initiatives and youth projects to be implemented by participants in cooperation with each other.
Co-trainer responsible for implementation of sessions on youth participation forms, research on local realities, competence development, strategic thinking, problem tree, Structured Dialogue, and civil society mechanisms, as well as reflection groups and evaluation.