TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Vitalii Volodchenko
The main aim of the project is to increase the quality of youth work by providing a complex learning experience for youth workers and young people so they can better understand the importance of Life Balance and Mental Health in their life and use that knowledge in their daily
Objectives of the project:
1. Increase awareness about the importance of the continuum between Life Balance and Mental Health among youth workers and young people
2. Develop the professional capacities of youth workers in designing and implementing activities promoting Life Balance/Mental Health among young people, based on non-formal education methods
3. Exchange practices and experiences on Life Balance/Mental Health among youth workers from different countries.
4. Develop and disseminate a pocket guide promoting Life Balance and Mental Health.
23 youth/social workers, youth leaders, trainers and educators, and persons in other relevant positions in youth work from Austria, France, Hungary, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine
The methodology of the activities is based on Non-Formal methods and principles. Participatory and learning by-doing methods are at the core of the program with an emphasis on each participant’s own experiences and individual skills and strengths. We also created open space for sharing resources and knowledge, etc.
A pocket guide dedicated to Life Balance containing sections about basic concepts, tips, practical strategies, professional advice from a clinical psychologist to get back on track, motivational exercises, challenges and easy and cheap healthy recipes for the body and the mind.
Full-time trainer, working in active collaboration in every stage of the project, design, preparation of the activity programme taking into consideration the participant's individual and learning needs, implementation of the activities, and evaluation of the activity in collaboration with the co-trainer.