This is a reference for Ieva Ulianskaite

Heroes from Within

The training activity took place
in Tetovo, North Macedonia
organised by Roma Resource Center
October 2018

Aims & objectives

The project aims exactly to reach its title, to bring Heroes From Within by training youth workers using non-formal education methods in order to support youth they are working with in finding their purpose.* The objectives of the project were: *1. To increase the knowledge of 27 youth workers related to the transferability of non-formal and informal learning acquisitions into competences;* *2. To increase the understanding level of 27 youth workers of why a purpose in life is significant for young people;* *3. To develop the skills of 27 youth workers in supporting the young people living purposeful way; * *4. To increase the motivation of 27 youth workers in supporting youngsters (professionally and personally);* *5. To create a professional follow-up plan for practical appliance in daily work for 27 youth workers.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The 27 youth workers came from 12 countries (Macedonia, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Austria, Hungary, Turkey, Greece, UK).

Training methods used & main activities

We used non-formal education methods such as role-plays, nature based methods, holistic approach, theatre, discussion, group work. We paid a high attention to reflection methods in order to facilitate high level reflection process on self-competences.

Outcomes of the activity

The project included these results: - increased competences of the youth workers directly involved in the project; - articles outlining the importance of transferring the competences into practice and the purpose in life. - video with information and key elements of the project; -workshops in partners local community focusing on youth with fewer opportunities and knowledge transfer meetings. The dissemination activities created a great impact. The biggest beneficiaries of the project were youths from the local communities of all partners who were able to realize the hero within themselves, develop their competences and put them in practice for achieving a personal, professional and social development.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was part of the trainer team residentially for all the project duration following learning processes of the group and delivering sessions using non-formal methods of mindfulness as well as supporting the trainer team with general sessions.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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