TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Agne Rapalaite Rasiule
TC was aiming to explore theoretical models, practical examples about gamification; look at the benefits of gamification and links with training, non-formal education and youth work; develop concepts how to use gamification to improve our working practices, apply gamification as the basis of our learning during the seminar itself, explore technology usage in gamified learning processes and plan future cooperation. The training course had the following objectives:
1) To explore critically the meaning, purpose and benefits of gamification in the field of education;
2) To learn from existing European practices of gamified non-formal learning and training experiences;
3) To explore various ideas for greater youth engagement and innovation in non-formal education and youth work through gamification.
Czech Republic
Interactive non-formal education methods (experiential learning exercises, presentations, discussions, workshops, expert inputs, etc.) and showcasing of good practices from partner organisations were used as methods. The project integrated Open Badges as a tool for recognition.
We used Open Badges to visualise the participants’ learning process and their achievements. Open Badges were linked to specific sessions and activities of the seminar. They helped to measure the fulfilment of specific criteria elaborated in line with the objectives of seminar sessions. Participants evaluated their learning achievements together with their peer.
We used evaluation questionnaire to assess the extent to which the seminar objectives were reached. Participants filled in this questionnaire during the final evaluation of this seminar. Organisers of this seminar concluded the results of participants’ feedback regarding objectives. Most of the objectives were assessed as fulfilled fully or almost fully.
Project coordinator and facilitator. I was responsible for presenting gamification theory and practice, consult participants on developing gamified activities.