TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Laimonas Ragauskas
Explore skills and competences that young people need to be future-ready
Learn how to assess youth skill needs and aspirations for future life and careers
Experience and learn practical methods on future skills development
Exchange good practices of developing 21st century skills in diverse learning settings
Build contacts and network with other youth leaders and youth workers in Europe
Youth leaders and youth workers, willing to improve their future skills and of those they are working with. Participants took part from Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Slovenia, Romania, Ukraine and the UK.
We used diversity of methods to explore future forecasts, future trends, future skills and relate those with the local youth work context as well as to try action research methods for participants to practice after the training.
We used group work activities, card games (on MIRO board), discussions, and collaborative Empathy mapping about young people and their skills needed for the future and today. We used learning playlists and open badges on the Cities of Learning platform.
- increased awareness about the future trends and changes in society
- increased awareness about diverse competence frameworks for the 21st century
- knowledge about methods to research skills with young people in the local youth work context
- skills to use Cities of Learning platform for recognition of learning
- increase cooperation connections among participants and organisations.
To prepare, implement and evaluate the training course together with my colleagues.
Additionally, I had a task (together with colleague trainers) to adapt the training methodology from residential to online training format.
Having Laimonas in my trainings team is always giving trust that the quality and content of the training connects with what the learners need and expect. As well in a residential as in an online training Laimonas is an expert.