TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Nik Paddison
Explore the role and influence of young people in times of crisis;
Explore how to work with young people engaging in hate speech
Explore youth work as a tool for peace and reconciliation;
Explore art based strategies for dealing with conflict and conflict situations;
Trainer team:
Hranush Shahnazaryan - Director of Loesje, trainer and organiser. Armenia
Nik Paddison - Full time freelance trainer in the European youth field. UK/Montenegro
22 participants
10 countries
Peace activists, youth leaders, youth workers
Combination of non-formal education activities, theories, games and exercises combined with different art forms (photography, spoken word, dance, music...)
Production and creation of 5 pieces of art expressing different aspects of conflict transforming and peacebuilding. Exhibition of arts in local youth cafe.
Co-trainer with Hranush to design and implement the programme, writing sessions, evaluating...