This is a reference for Irakli Mzhavanadze

Follow the Steps of Refugees

The training activity took place
in Kobuleti
organised by Student Youth Council
31 May - 8 June, 2017

Aims & objectives

"Follow the steps of refugees" is an Erasmus+ project aims to cover, explore, discuss and deal with the integration related challenges linked to the refugee’s flows. Creating of the network of the civic organizations working or willing to work in the field, promote new tools and methodology among youth workers and NGO workers in order to strengthen the integration and peace building process in the global community is a main feature of the project.
Overall objectives of the project are the following:
• Create a network of the organizations working in this field;
• Explore migration policy of EU and enroll civic society in the process;
• Rise up an awareness about the migration among the youth workers and NGO workers;
• Stimulate the idea of social integration and peace building in Europe;
• Share the best practice connected with the management of migration among the Youth NGOs and youth workers;
• Encourage young people to be actively involved in social life;
• Motivate the youngsters to be an active European citizen in general;
• Promote non- formal learning and present it as a tool for the participation and development;
• Promote outdoor activities;
• Promote inter-cultural exchanges, tolerance and the solidarity in general;
• Spread the information about the Erasmus+ stimulate future cooperation;

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Participating Countries: Sweden, Georgia, Turkey, Italy, Poland, Ukraine, Greece, Germany (27 participants all in all).

Recommended for Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth Policy Makers

Training methods used & main activities

During the Training Course will be used different activities and methods such as group works, video productions, role play games, simulation games, brainstorming, team building games, workshops, debates, Meeting with representatives of EUMM, Festival in immigrant’s settlement - Exploring life between leaving and arriving, Country Reports: History of Migration in the participating countries, presentations and cultural evenings.

Outcomes of the activity

All partners will publish information about the project using Internet resources. All the participating organizations will use their contacts, websites, blog and newsletters in order to ensure a wide dissemination of the results of the project: The action plan of the network, mission and vision statement of it, the experience they've gained, the information they've acquired, important details that impressed them, manual created by the project participants` photos, videos, an importance of the activities, they’ve been part of. They`ll also try to encourage other civic society representatives to take part and develop projects via the Erasmus+.
After returning home the participants will organize an informational meeting with local youngsters, and share their experience and knowledge about the topic of the project. All used and created materials and manuals of the project done by the participants at the end of project, will be published on the blog of the project, web-sites of promoter organizations and different social networks.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

My role in the team was co-trainer, meaning that I had to take part in designing programme during preparatory meeting, selection of participants, running sessions during the training itself, evaluation of the TC and input to the final report.

I worked on this training for 9 days as a full time trainer.

I worked on this training for 9 days as a full time trainer.

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