TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Annan Mohamed
Aim: Youth Empowerment through Intercultural Learning
youth workers and educators with experience in Intercultural Education and youth from diverse cultural backgrounds from 4 different Euromed
countries will have the opportunity to join forces to create an innovative educative program for Intercultural Citizenship, that will reflect their experiences, knowledge and needs, will be tested in both nonformal and formal education settings and spread throughout the EuroMed region.
4 countries {France , Greece, Tunisia, Egypt }
20 participants (5 from each country)
Interactive non-formal methods were used:
- simulation games
- role play
- clustering
- graphic facilitation
- Participants created 4 different activities with intercultural dialogue dimension
- Participants planned the line of running these activities as a whole session.
- Participants tested their activities and uploaded them on the platform created.
- Participants planned the follow up process that will be held in their local community
- Co-Design the program of activities and sessions.
- Run the sessions:
getting to know each other
intercultural dialogue (meaning and experience)
clustering for the creation process