TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Vera Goriunova
- To discover what is facilitation and what is not, what is a facilitation in inclusive youth work
- To share different practices of facilitation in youth work, exchange experiences in different realities - To build facilitation skills through developing communication skills and learning how to use different facilitation technique and models
- Exploring facilitation styles
- Training ability to ask powerful questions, track, gather and balance the ideas coming from the group.
- Reflecting on i\limits of facilitation
- Reflecting on facilitator competences framework
- Reflecting on ethical dilemmas in inclusive/ human rights education
- Developing debriefing skills
Training course was open for youth workers, trainers, youth leaders and teachers.
Participants from Germany, Greece,Poland, Latvia, Hungary, Germany, Luxembourg, Czech Republic, Portugal took part in the activity, 32 participants in total.
We used the methods based on the principles of non-formal education, non-frontal and highly participative fitting different learning styles.
Some of the methods: simulations, experiential learning activities,role-plays, discussions, buzz-groups, debriefing after experiential learning activities, individual and group reflection, feedback sessions, preparation of the workshops etc.
The training aimed at the development of the facilitation skills of the participants and participants had a lot of opportunities to learn and practice their facilitation skills. One of the main results of the project was preparation ad implementation of an educational activity which participants had to facilitate by themselves applying gained knowledge to practice.
a trainer