This is a reference for Justina Garbauskaite-Jakimovska

Facilitating Intercultural Learning in Work with Youth Groups

The training activity took place
in Daugirdiškės, Lithuania
organised by VšĮ "Jaunimo epicentras"
2018 07 22-30

Aims & objectives

AIM of the TC is to support and empower youth workers and youth leaders through developing competencies needed to facilitate learning process of intercultural groups of young people.
• Develop understanding of group processes and their effect on learning;
• To improve professional competences of participants which will help them to facilitate activities with young people with learning oriented approach;
• To improve participants’ competencies to plan, run and evaluate exercises on intercultural learning;
• Develop understanding of importance of reflection in educational activities and provide participants with the competence of guiding reflection process of youngsters: designing reflection questions and running the process;
• To improve participants’ competencies to adjust, adapt and create new methods based on non-formal education methodology that are in line with the current stage of the group dynamics;
• To introduce focus groups as a tool for investigating intercultural learning process and its impact with young people;
• To create space for future Erasmus+ projects development and ensuring the quality of the projects through developing common understanding of Youth project quality criteria: non-formal education, intercultural learning, and impact.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The target group of the TC were 26 youth workers, teachers, youth leaders and educators from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Romania, Italy, Croatia, Germany, Cyprus.

The team was composed of 3 Lithuanians, 1 Polish and 1 Italian.

Training methods used & main activities

The activities of the training course were based on non-formal education methodological principles - experiential learning, outdoor education activities, group discussions, input from the trainers, interactive presentations, practice, reflection, working in groups, sharing experiences and good practices and learning from each other.

Additionally, trainer team used meta-reflection, as a tool to explain principles of non-formal education.

Outcomes of the activity

Improved understanding of intercultural learning and working and learning in a diverse group. Improved non-formal education and facilitation of learning competency (understanding of principles, planning, implementing and evaluating educational activities), expanded variety of methods that the participants can use, improved reflection guiding competency.

100% of participants said they would recommend this training course to their colleagues.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

co-designing, co-planing, co-implementing, and co-evaluating all the training activities throughout the programme. Working on the application and report of the project.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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