This is a reference for Michael Scheuchenegger

Express through Waves

The training activity took place
in Strengberg/ Austria
organised by AKS Noah
Reference person

vitalii volodchenko

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

To develop personal and professional competencies, which support self expression of youth workers and young people.
To develop digital competencies as tool for self expression
To share, exchange and create methods, which support self expression
To obtain competencies of self expression through cooking, language, music, dance and sport
To create video tutorials for youth workers with methods supporting self expression
To develop the participants' capacity of writing high-quality Erasmus+ projects supporting self-expression

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Activity were designed for youth/social workers or volunteers from Austria, Armenia, Italy, Greece, Portugal and Ukraine who are in need to:
• improve their self-confidence and sense of worth
• improve their personal and professional competencies in supporting self expression
• increase number of methods that support self expression in their daily work
• improve their digital competencies to better promote their NGOs
• improve their digital competencies to share them with young people when they return home, thus to increase capacity of their NGOs
• improve their digital competencies to help them find employment in the digital industries,
• expand their network of European contacts
• improve capacity on writing high-quality Erasmus+ projects
• improve their English speaking and writing skills

Training methods used & main activities

We develop the participants' skills through practical methods and "active learning". This is why we combine the elements of non-formal education with working on real tasks, making actual creating video tutorials. Most of our sessions involve a mix of formal learning and non-formal methods, such as - games, team-buildings, visual methods, competitions, theater, drama, role-plays, group work, peer to peer learning, discussion etc

Outcomes of the activity

The most part of outcomes of the project gathered on following website:

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was fully involved in developing of the programme of the training course as a full time trainer, facilitator, host and organisator.

I worked on this training for 10 days as a full time trainer.

Testimonial of the reference person

Wonderful person to work with!

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