This is a reference for Marina Luka

EXIT Experiential Learning for Inclusion

The training activity took place
in Tervuren,Brussels, Belgium
organised by JINT vzw
Reference person

Virginia Hernández

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

1. To discover innovative educational methods in the field of experiential
learning for inclusion, by exploring crossovers of facilitating experiential
learning activities through outdoor activities, bodywork, circus, sport
based activities, creative methods, etc.
2. To develop participant’s competences based on the experiential
learning facilitator role, while exchanging educational best practices among
3. Train participants in how to create activities accessible for every target
group based on the principles of universal design.
4. To enable participants to be able to put experiential learning methods in
practice through follow-up activities.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The training course targeted youth workers and educators from the EU program countries. We were looking for participants who already had previous experience in experiential learning and/or group processes. We gave priority to those who worked with vulnerable target groups and and with youth with diverse abilities.

Training methods used & main activities

Team building activities based on outdoor experiential learning methods.
Sessions based on the methodology of the theatre of the oppressed to tackle social exclusion/inclusion.
Urban meditation to reflect on the current social issues of the training's environment.
Collective creation and collage to channel participants' views on the social issues that they discovered in the training environment.
Group reflection and supported self-assessment.
Me as a facilitator - reflection to the participant's competencies based on the ETS model.
Open Space technology to support the development of the participant's facilitation's skills.

Outcomes of the activity

After EXIT training, we further developed the training structure, and we held successful 2nd and 3rd editions. The Latvian NA hosted one of our training based on the recommendation of our previous participants.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I have been responsible for leading the above-mentioned sessions, and also I took part in the program design and the evaluation/reporting of the training.

I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

Testimonial of the reference person

This training was part of our common journey as a trainers, being part of ToT; working with Marina was very easy, she is a communicative person, what supports the team work. She is also a very proactive and resolutive person, being always a support for the trainers peers.

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